Runemu - Rules

Server Rules

The Game Agreement, hereinafter referred to as the "Rules", regulates relations between the administration of the Game Portal, located on the Internet at , hereinafter “Administration” and by the user of the Game Portal - by you, hereinafter “User”. The rules regulate the relationship between Users and Game Masters, determine acts that may be deemed unlawful, and also establish the types of punishments for committing unlawful acts. Game rules are binding on all users without exception. Compliance with these rules is monitored by the Administration.

1. Gameplay and General Terms

1.1. The exchange of game values ​​of the Game Portal to the game values ​​of other projects / servers outside the Character Market is prohibited. Any activity of a commercial nature on the Game Portal outside the Character Market is prohibited, any option for exchanging / selling characters for real and / or virtual money outside the Character Market is also prohibited. It is forbidden to exchange or sell accounts in any form. All operations should be carried out only in the Character Market
Punishment: The administration has the right to block / restrict an account / character / chat at its discretion.

1.2. It is forbidden to use cheat programs and scripts, use bugs and various programs to hack the game and the site, modify the files of the game and launcher in order to obtain gaming advantages, and also help other players or incline them to committing these actions. It is also forbidden to perform any actions with someone else's account and objects on it without the consent of the owner. Even a failed attempt is a violation.
Punishment: The administration has the right to block / restrict an account / character / chat at its discretion.

1.3. It is forbidden to deceive the Administration: to give false testimonies, to provide fabricated evidence, evidence. It is forbidden to impersonate a representative of the Administration.
Punishment: The administration has the right to block / restrict an account / character / chat at its discretion.

1.4. It is forbidden to disrespect the administration of the Game Portal in the community and in the game. Threats to the Administration of the Game Portal in the community and in the game are prohibited.
Punishment: The administration has the right to block / restrict an account / character / chat at its discretion.

1.5. It is forbidden to interfere with the game master during events in the game.
Punishment: The administration has the right to block / restrict an account / character / chat at its discretion.

1.6. Forbidden obscene language is prohibited, as well as insults to the player’s family and friends. It is forbidden to incite ethnic or religious hatred between players.
Punishment: The administration has the right to block / restrict an account / character / chat at its discretion.

1.7. Forbidden public statements about leaving the game and other statements of a destructive nature that could entail negative consequences for the development of the Game Portal. Unfounded criticism of the administration’s actions, expressed in order to discredit the Game Portal, and not to improve its quality, is prohibited.
Punishment: The administration has the right to block / restrict an account / character / chat at its discretion.

1.8. Prohibited the promotion of other game projects.
Punishment: Permanent account suspension.

1.9. It is forbidden to enter the game with someone else's account (which you did not register), it is also forbidden to transfer your account data (username, password, e-mail) to other players.

1.9.1. If you are violators of clause 1.9. and you have been robbed or removed by characters. The administration does not return things or restore characters. Only the account owner is responsible for the security of his account.

2.0. The character’s nickname should not be vulgar, contain mention of alcohol and drugs, propaganda of Nazism, obscene language, insults and “language of scum”. It is forbidden to use nicknames, when using which the character can be mistaken for an employee of official clans and the Administration. An easy to read nickname is recommended. It should not be a chaotic combination of letters, abusive or have a pronounced sexual context.
Punishment: The administration has the right to block / restrict an account / character / chat at its discretion.

2. Administration and projec

2.1. The administration does not need your password or game items.

If someone asks you to give a game item or an account password, this is not an administrator. The administration does not need your game items or password. The administration does not return any missing characters or missing game items. We do not change passwords on accounts, do not roll back if you were robbed or allegedly robbed. Protect your property and your characters yourself. Beware of scammers!

2.2. Administration is never intimidated or threatened.

The administration never threatens the players with a ban or other actions. If you violate the rules of the server, you will be punished fairly. If you haven’t violated it yet, but are close to it, the administration can warn you that you behave within the rules. Only to warn, but in no case to threaten. If someone threatens you with a ban or something else, then this is most likely a scammer!

2.3. The server administration reserves the right to:

Block any user account temporarily or permanently without explanation, refund, or compensation if we deem it necessary. Moreover, we reserve the right to delete all player accounts or game property of his characters in case it is deemed necessary.

2.4. The administration can turn off, restart, modify the server without notifying players.

Administration does everything necessary to maintain the server in working condition. But to improve and modify the game, sometimes it may require reboots or temporary server shutdowns. The administration will try to inform the players on the site about the planned technical work.

2.5. Guarantee the health of the game project.

The project is free and demo. The administration does not guarantee the full performance of certain aspects of the game, and also does not guarantee their correction. The return of items or any other game values, the loss of which was due to technical problems or the imperfection of the game content, is also not guaranteed.

2.6. Dispute with the Administration.

Any decision of the Administration is fair and competent. Decisions of the Administration are not discussed.

3. Game Chat

3.1. For insulting family and friends
Punishment: Block chat for 300 minutes, the administration has the right to change the time at its discretion!

3.2. For insulting the administration of a server or game masters
Punishment: Block chat for 666 minutes, the administration has the right to change the time at its discretion!

3.3. For creating a negative chat account or actively participating in it
Punishment: Block chat for 60-180 minutes, the administration has the right to change the time at its discretion!

3.4. For insulting a friend of a player
Punishment: Block chat for 30-160 minutes, the administration has the right to change the time at its discretion!

3.5. For flood and chat pollution
Punishment: Blocking the chat for 30 minutes, the administration has the right to change the time at its discretion!

3.6. For negative server discussion
Punishment: Blocking a chat for 30-160 minutes, the administration has the right to change the time at its discretion!

3.7. For a negative discussion of the administration’s actions
Punishment: Blocking a chat for 30-160 minutes, the administration has the right to change the time at its discretion!

3.8. Advertise another server
Punishment: Permanent account blocking!

3.9. For disrupting or attempting to interfere with events
Punishment: Blocking the chat for 120 minutes, the administration has the right to change the time at its discretion!

3.10. For calling or mentioning a wipe in a chat
Punishment: Chat blocking for 666 minutes, the administration has the right to change the time at its discretion!

3.11. Racism
Punishment: Account blocking

3.12. Call for war
Punishment: Account blocking

3.13. Call for physical violence and murder
Punishment: Account blocking

4. Siege of the castle and island

4.1. All sorts of ways to cheat the system are prohibited
Punishment: The administration has the right to block / restrict the account / character at its discretion, the administration also has the right to suspend or turn off the siege of the castle / island, take the castle / island to itself or transfer it.

4.2. Disabled front guilds
Punishment: The administration has the right to block / restrict the account / character at its discretion, the administration also has the right to suspend or turn off the siege of the castle / island, take the castle / island to itself or transfer it.

4.3. If the castle / island siege fails
Rights: The administration has the right to suspend or turn off the siege of a castle / island, to pick up a castle / island for itself. The administration has the right to judge the parties and render a verdict in favor of the one who is right.

5. Final Provisions

5.1. The administration has the right, without further warning to the user, to change the Game Agreement at any time and at its discretion, changes to the rules come into force from the moment they are published on the portal and are binding on all users.

5.2. The user assumes responsibility for regularly checking the information published on the portal to familiarize themselves with possible changes. Continued use of the service is considered as the consent of the user to such changes and additions.

5.3. About all violations and violators, as well as all problems and bugs, the user agrees to inform the administration in the appropriate section on the support site.

5.4. If the user does not accept any changes and / or additions, he must immediately stop using the service.

User agreement

The User Agreement, hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement", governs the relationship between the administration of a resource located on the Internet at , hereinafter " Administration ”, as well as the multi-user online game“ MU Online ”related to the specified website, which includes a website, forum and server for playing“ MU Online ”, hereinafter referred to as the“ Game Portal ”, and the user of the Game Portal - you, hereinafter referred to as the "User". Please note that the start of using the services of the Game Portal means unconditional consent on the part of the User with the Agreement. This Agreement may be amended by the Administration without any prior notice by publishing the latest version of the Agreement. The user agrees to check the Agreement for changes at least once every seven days.

Acceptance of Terms of Service

The creation of an account and the use of the service and services means your full consent to all of the following terms of the user agreement, as well as consent to the collection, storage and use of your information, as indicated in the privacy statements. The administration reserves the right to refuse the user access to the service and services without his notice, in case the User violates the terms of this Agreement. You agree that the Administration reserves the right to terminate the provision of services or change their content at any time, with or without notice to the user, and is not responsible for this.

Duration of Agreement

The administration has the right to close or restrict access at any time without prior notice to the User. In case of violation by the user of this Agreement, the Administration at its discretion has the right to block access to the service. If the Administration closes and / or restricts access to the account, the User will no longer have access to the account. The user does not have the right to demand compensation for virtual money and the service of acquired services during the use of the service.

Terms of Service

The Game Portal is a demo and is not related to the official WebZen servers. If you want to play the full version of the game, then you need to go to the official WebZen servers. The Game Portal is not used for commercial purposes or for profit. All accounts, characters, game items, and actions taken on the Game Portal are the exclusive property of the Game Portal.

User Responsibility

If, in accordance with the laws of your state, you are prohibited from receiving gaming services on the Internet (online) or there are other legislative restrictions, including restrictions on the age of admission to such services, you may not use the Game Portal or certain services within the Game, and agree to immediately stop using the Game Portal. The User agrees to comply with the terms of the Agreement, and is also responsible for any action taken on the Game Portal. In some cases, the Administration has the right to transfer data about a User who violates this Agreement or current legislation to law enforcement agencies.


Under no circumstances will the Administration and the Game Portal be liable to Users or third parties for any indirect, incidental, or intentional damage. Including lost profits or lost data caused in connection with the use of services, their contents or other materials to which the User has gained access, even if the Game Portal Administration has warned or pointed out the possibility of such harm. The subsequent limitation of liability is fully implemented by law. Using the services, the User agrees that the Administration and the Game Portal are not responsible for harm to the honor, dignity, business reputation or other illegal actions of third parties, etc.

Disclaimer of Warranties

Using the services of the Game Portal, the User agrees that he is personally responsible. Except as provided by applicable law. The administration or its representatives are not liable to any third parties for costs incurred using the services, the absence of any guarantees, either expressed or not expressed. Including, among other things, guarantees of the quality of services, their suitability for a particular purpose and not infringement of intellectual property rights, reliability, competence, usefulness and timeliness of service provision. Administration is not responsible for the accuracy and accuracy.

Virtual currency and services

Game Portal services may include the possibility of acquiring virtual domestic currency as well as virtual domestic services using legal tender. You can use these options if you have reached full age in the country of permanent residence. All virtual currency and services are non-refundable, unless otherwise decided. You do not acquire personal rights to the virtual services and / or currency that you purchase. The administration has full control over all virtual currency and services. At any time, with or without prior notice, it can change the value of the virtual currency and the virtual currency itself at its discretion without any additional obligations.

Refunds & Refunds

The Game Portal does not pay compensation. In addition to the limited, subject to cancellation, without the right to transfer the use of virtual currency and services, you do not have the full right to the above-mentioned currency and services. If your account has been blocked or you do not have access to it, as well as at the discretion of the Administration, or if the Administration has ceased to provide the right to use the Services, the virtual currency and acquired services will be lost. The Administration has full control over the virtual currency and services, and at any time with or without prior notice, it can change and / or cancel the virtual currency and / or services at its discretion, the Administration is not responsible to you or others for such actions.

Top up a friend's account using your own funds

When replenishing a friend’s account using his own funds, the User must clearly understand the meaning and consequences of his action. By replenishing the account, the User confirms his intention to transfer a certain amount of funds to another user without the right to subsequent restoration of the amount through a refund through payment systems or aggregators. Thus, by making a transaction to top up a friend’s account, the User confirms that the money is transferred without any obligation to return on the part of the recipient. We strongly advise Users to carefully consider their decision to fund the account of others, given that such transfers are irreversible and refund claims will not be honored if they are transferred.

Intellectual Property Rights

All property rights and intellectual property rights in relation to the Game Portal, including any innovations, as well as other rights, belong to the Game Portal and their respective owners. Using the services, you do not receive any copyright on the intellectual property of the Game Portal. Any use of intellectual property beyond the scope of services may be carried out only if there is a written agreement from the Administration of the Game Portal.

General informatio

The administration provides the service around the clock and daily, as well as provides users with consulting support. Administration services are provided free of charge, unless otherwise specified. The administration reserves the right to change the pricing policy at any time. The user agrees, understands and accepts that the game is not a game of chance, gambling, competition or betting. Making donations to the server is the will and desire of the User, and not a necessary or prerequisite for participating in the game and the game process. The user agrees to the informational and technical nature of the newsletter to the e-mail specified in the registration.

Terms of agreement

This User Agreement is an integral part of the Game Agreement on the site of the Game Portal. The user undertakes to check the Agreement for changes at least once a week. Disagreement with even one of the clauses of these rules prohibits the use of the Game Portal. The rules are provided and binding on each Game Portal User, regardless of whether he is registered or not.

Final clause

This Agreement between the User and the Game Portal determines the procedure for using the service and services of the Game Portal. Cancels all other agreements, either oral or written, between the User and the Game Portal regarding this use.

Privacy Policy

Administration of the project, hereinafter “Administration” is responsible for protecting the privacy of our users, hereinafter “User”. This online privacy statement, the “Statement” further explains our line of conduct and the methods for obtaining and using your personal data that you provide using the services of the game portal, the “Game Portal” located on the Internet at . Please note that this Regulation applies only to information that has been obtained through the use of our applications. This Regulation does not apply to the activities of third parties that are not controlled by the Administration. The start of using the services of the Game Portal service means unconditional consent on the part of the User regarding the collection and use of his personal information in accordance with this Regulation. This Regulation may be amended by the Administration without any prior notice by publishing the latest version of the Regulation. The user undertakes to check the Regulation for changes at least once every seven days.

Collection and use of information

The main purpose of the Administration when collecting information about the User is to provide and expand services, and create conditions under which the User could easily navigate and use the Services. We obtain personal information from registration, your appeal to technical support and your acquisitions of virtual services on the Game Portal.

Third Party Use of Information

Information about our users is an integral part of the provided Game Portal service. We do not sell your personal information to anyone, but only use it in accordance with this Regulation. The administration undertakes not to intentionally transmit or disclose the information received from the User to third parties. The Administration also reserves the right to share this information with third parties in accordance with the requirements of law enforcement agencies or other government officials in connection with the investigation of cases of fraud, violations of intellectual property rights, or other activities that are illegal or may subject the User or the Administration to legal responsibility.

Protecting your personal information

The administration seeks to protect personal information while it is under the control of the Game Portal. Information about the User account is available only through the use of a password. In order to protect the confidentiality of personal information, the User must keep his password secret and not disclose it to any other person. The User is responsible for any use of the Services of the Game Portal by third parties who have access to the User’s account. Please inform us immediately if you think your password has been compromised or unauthorized.


The administration has implemented reasonable, technical, physical, managerial and organizational measures aimed at ensuring the security of the User’s personal information from accidental loss and from unauthorized access, use, alteration or disclosure. However, the Administration cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will not be able to circumvent these measures or use, disclose and modify your personal information for other purposes. Also note that e-mail and messaging systems are not considered secure, therefore we do not recommend that you send your personal information through these services. In the event that personal data has been compromised as a result of damage to security services, the Administration will immediately notify those persons whose personal data have been compromised in accordance with the notification procedures set forth in this Privacy Statement or in any other manner provided by law. In order to ensure confidentiality and security, we take reasonable measures, such as requiring a unique password to verify your identity, before allowing access to your account or services. The user is responsible for keeping his unique password and account information confidential. The Administration of the Game Portal will under no circumstances request information about your credit card or bank account, your username and password for your account or passport details.

Deleting information

The user cannot change or delete personal information by changing the relevant information in his account. However, the deletion of this information may completely lead to a complete deactivation of your account.

Links to other app sites

Links in the Game Portal service to sites of other applications are provided for your convenience. In addition, the content of the Game Portal service can be posted on other sites or in other applications. Any personal information that the User provides on linked pages or applications is provided directly to this third party and is used in accordance with the privacy statement of that third party. These sites and applications maintain their own policies regarding the collection and use of personal information and the use of technical information files (cookies). You decide whether to view the policies of those sites or not.